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Smoother Skin With Facials in Dracut, MA

Safely and effectively promote collagen, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and add a radiant glow to your face through A Smoother You Inc, a caring provider of facials to Dracut, MA clients. Our team comprises medispa staff and skilled estheticians devoted to helping clients feel more confident in their skin. We recognize that any skin treatment is personal and customize our services to give you smooth skin and a glow perfect for you.

medispa staff member realizing HydraFacial

The HydraFacial Process

What is a Hydrafacial? A HydraFacial is a treatment that uses patented technology to cleanse, extract and hydrate skin. It clears dead skin cells loosens pores and preps them for extraction. We use a mixture of glycolic acid, salicylic acid, peptides, and botanical extracts. This treatment addresses:

  • Fine Lines and wrinkles
  • Skin Texture
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Elasticity/Firmness
  • Congested Oily Skin

You can also include your neck and decollete! This is our most popular treatment.

Treatments Include:

The ultimate HydraFacial experience! The detoxification process begins with Lymphatic Drainage, then, the Platinum HydraFacial deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin while incorporating a Booster designed to target your specific skin concerns. This treatment concludes with LED Light Therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging.

This invigorating treatment includes deep cleansing, exfoliating, and extracting impurities from the skin while simultaneously infusing nourishing ingredients to hydrate the skin. The Deluxe HydraFacial also includes a personalized Booster to address your specific skin concerns and LED Light Therapy to further reduce visible signs of aging.

This invigorating treatment includes deep cleansing, exfoliating, and extracting impurities from the skin while simultaneously infusing nourishing ingredients to hydrate the skin. Upgrading to The Platinum or Deluxe HydraFacial enhances your experience with a personalized Booster, LED Light Therapy, and Lymphatic Drainage options.

  • Radiance – Britenol Brightalive
  • Calm – Rozitol (redness, sensitive skin)
  • Hydrate-Chrono-Peptide
  • Restore and Firm – ReGen GF, Triltex – Pro skin
  • Smooth and Refine – Dermabuilder


Call our office today to discuss your needs and receive current pricing!

How the HydraFacial Treatment Works


Other Facials

Our team offers a wide range of facials designed to meet your needs, including:

Basic Facials

A basic facial treats patients with a gentle cleansing, exfoliation, and impurity extraction. A signature mask is applied to your face to rehydrate and rejuvenate the skin. Relax with a face, neck, and shoulder massage.

Anti-Aging Facials

Like a basic facial, but with a youthful twist. Anti-aging facials provide cleansing, exfoliation, and extraction, but can add chemical peels, serums, and masks to boost collagen levels and achieve younger-looking skin.

Teen Facials

A teen facial is customized for adolescents going through acne, breakouts and other skin conditions common among youth. We deeply yet gently cleanse and extract impurities from the face and apply healing masks for skin rehydration.

Dermaplaning Facials

The specialized dermaplaning facial involves carefully applying a light blade to graze dead skin cells and hair off your forehead and face. Dermaplaning is safe for every skin type and compliments other skin treatments.

Ultimate Facials

The ultimate facial provides micro-needling and a HydraFacial in a single session or treatment. Ultimate facials tighten and smooth, stimulate collagen production, remove scarring and acne, and add a beautiful glow to your skin.

Are Your Ready for a Smoother You?

Our team would love to consult you on our treatments and help you decide which is right for you. Contact us to schedule a meeting today.

Schedule Your Consultation Today